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Pink Opal Shiva

Pink Opal Shiva

Regular price $48.30 USD
Regular price Sale price $48.30 USD
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Pink Opal is a gentle and nurturing crystal with strong metaphysical properties. It is associated with emotional healing, inner peace, and tranquility. Pink Opal is believed to soothe the heart and bring about emotional balance, making it beneficial for those dealing with stress and anxiety. It is also known for promoting compassion, self-love, and acceptance, encouraging a positive outlook on life. Additionally, Pink Opal is associated with enhancing creativity, inspiration, and connection to one's inner wisdom, making it a valuable crystal for personal growth and spiritual development.

Crystals are numbered 1-5, with 1 being at my wrist and 5 being at my fingertips.

1: 23g

2: 23g

3: 19g

4: 18g

5: 24g

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